图 2 碎屑组分特征分析采样剖面和井位位置(底图据Google Earth修改)
Figure 2. Sampling profile and well locations for analysis of debris components (by Google Earth)
表 1 头屯河剖面、三工河剖面、水西沟剖面及D2井样品碎屑颗粒组成统计表
Table 1. Clastic particles of Lower Jurassic samples from Toutunhe, Sangonghe and Shuixigou sections, and well D2
样品 编号 单晶 石英/% 长石/% 岩屑 总量/% 多晶石英/% 火山岩屑/% 沉积岩屑/% 变质岩屑/% tth-4 20 3 77 6 59 6 6 tth-11 18 8 74 5 49 6 14 tth-12 22 12 76 5 56 7 8 SGH-8 25 13 62 8 41 3 10 SGH-11 23 10 67 6 44 4 13 SGH-12 19 13 68 11 47 3 7 SGH-14 24 6 70 5 48 4 13 SGH-15 23 7 70 6 48 4 12 SGH-16 25 15 60 5 41 4 10 SGH-17 27 20 53 7 33 3 10 SGH-18 26 15 59 5 40 5 9 SXG-1 32 13 58 7 30 3 18 SXG-3 28 7 65 4 43 3 15 SXG-5 30 8 61 2 44 4 11 SXG-6 31 8 61 3 42 4 12 SXG-8 23 12 68 7 45 3 13 SXG-9 22 10 66 4 45 4 13 SXG-14 23 8 66 4 45 4 13 SXG-16 20 14 66 8 46 4 8 SXG-17 15 2 83 5 55 8 15 SXG-18 38 10 52 4 35 6 7 D2-1 26 15 66 10 34 4 18 D2-3 33 16 60 9 31 3 17 D2-6 32 18 65 12 34 3 16 D2-8 32 17 61 9 31 4 17 D2-22 25 16 65 11 33 3 18 D2-23 27 14 73 10 38 8 17 D2-26 31 15 61 11 28 3 19 D2-27 26 18 65 9 37 4 15 D2-28 26 11 65 8 38 3 16 D2-31 17 13 76 10 45 3 18 D2-33 24 14 69 11 36 3 19 D2-35 20 13 73 10 42 4 17 D2-36 16 15 67 10 36 3 18 D2-37 22 12 69 9 36 4 20 D2-39 29 11 57 8 34 3 12 D2-40 21 14 60 8 35 3 14 D2-41 20 17 60 9 32 3 16 郝家沟—头屯河剖面下侏罗统成分成熟度较低,岩屑极为丰富(含量介于74%~77%),其次是单晶石英(含量介于18%~22%),多晶石英(含量介于5%~6%)以燧石和变质石英岩屑为主,并且以燧石居多;在非稳定隐晶岩屑中,火成岩屑较为丰富(含量介于49%~59%),并以酸性喷出岩岩屑为主;变质岩和沉积岩岩屑含量较少(含量介于12%~20%)。三工河剖面碎屑成分成熟度也较低,岩屑含量介于53%~70%,除不稳定岩屑外,主要是单晶石英(含量介于19%~27%),多晶石英(含量介于5%~11%)以燧石和变质石英岩屑为主;在非稳定隐晶岩屑中,火成岩屑含量介于33%~48%,以中酸性喷出岩岩屑为主,含基性喷出岩岩屑;沉积岩岩屑较少(含量介于3%~5%)。水西沟剖面中岩屑同样富集(含量介于52%~83%),成分成熟度较低,石英以单晶石英为主(含量介于15%~38%),多晶石英(含量介于2%~8%)以燧石和变质石英岩屑为主;在非稳定隐晶岩屑中,火成岩屑含量介于30%~55%,以中酸性喷出岩岩屑为主,含基性喷出岩岩屑;沉积岩岩屑含量较少(含量介于3%~8%),变质岩岩屑含量中等(含量介于8%~18%)。
图 4 研究区典型野外地质剖面的古水流方向及素描图
Figure 4. Paleocurrent direction and geological sketch of typical field geological sections in the study area
图 5 阜康凹陷中东部下侏罗统八道湾组古流向分析图
Figure 5. Paleocurrent analysis of Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation, central eastern Fukang Depression
图 6 阜康凹陷中东部下侏罗统三工河组古流向分析图
Figure 6. Paleocurrent analysis of Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation, central eastern Fukang Depression
图 7 研究区八道湾组重矿物类型对比图
Figure 7. Comparison of heavy mineral types of the Badaowan Formation in the study area
图 8 研究区三工河组重矿物类型对比图
Figure 8. Comparison of heavy mineral types of the Sangonghe Formation in the study area
图 9 野外地质剖面及钻井岩心样品ZTR指数平面气泡分布图
Figure 9. Plane bubble distribution of zircon⁃tourmaline⁃rutile (ZTR) maturity index of outcrop and drill⁃core samples for field geological profile
图 10 D2、D6、D7、D15以及D701井R型聚类分析树状图
Figure 10. R⁃type cluster analysis tree for D2, D6, D7, D15 and D701 wells
图 11 头屯河剖面、三工河剖面、水西沟剖面R型聚类分析树状图
Figure 11. R⁃type cluster analysis trees for Toutunhe, Sangonghe and Shuixigou sections
表 3 石英阴极发光特征与源岩类型的关系(据文献[36]修改)
Table 3. Relationship between cathodoluminescence characteristics of quartz and source rock types(modified from reference [36])
类型 发光颜色 温度 源岩类型 Ⅰ 以蓝色、紫色为主 >573 ℃(快速冷却) 火山岩、深成岩、接触变质岩 Ⅱ 以棕褐色为主 >573 ℃(缓慢冷却) 高级变质岩(变质火山岩、变质石英岩) 300 ℃~573 ℃ 低级变质岩(接触变质岩、区域变质岩、回火沉积岩的自生石英) Ⅲ 不发光 <300 ℃ 沉积岩中自生石英 选取研究区内及周缘郝家沟—头屯河剖面、三工河剖面以及水西沟剖面和研究区内D2井进行了阴极发光特征分析(图12)。结果显示,阴极发光薄片中石英以蓝色和蓝紫色为主,少量石英颜色呈现为褐红色至红色,局部存在不发光石英。以蓝色或蓝紫色阴极发光特征为主的石英指示其源岩是火山岩、深成岩;以褐红色阴极发光为主则指示变质火山岩、变质石英岩源区;而不发光石英主要来自沉积岩源区。因此,石英阴极发光特征揭示的源区性质与前述R型聚类分析中所得结论一致。
Provenance Change in the Lower Jurassic in Fukang Depression (Junggar Basin) and Its Response to the Uplift of the Bogda Mountains
摘要: 目的 准噶尔盆地阜康凹陷中东部下侏罗统八道湾组和三工河组是当前油气勘探的重点层位,但由于其物源体系尚不明确,严重制约了该区沉积体系研究和油气勘探进程。 方法 基于八道湾组和三工河组的碎屑成分、古流向、重矿物、阴极发光和砂地比平面分布等相关分析,对阜康凹陷中东部早侏罗世物源体系及对博格达山隆升的响应特征进行了探讨。 结果与结论 结果显示,研究区八道湾组主要受控于东北部克拉美丽山物源体系,北天山及博格达山物源的影响程度有限;而三工河组不仅存在继承性的克拉美丽山及北天山物源输入,又叠加了来自博格达山的分支物源,且博格达山物源的影响不断增强。研究区下侏罗统物源变化清晰地响应了博格达山自东向西不断增强的隆升过程。阜康凹陷南斜坡表现为构造南倾的特征,下侏罗统东南物源的存在为地层岩性圈闭的发育奠定了物质基础,对该区油气勘探具有重要的指示意义。Abstract: Objective The Lower Jurassic Badaowan and Sangonghe Formations in the middle and eastern parts of the Fukang Depression are key intervals for oil and gas exploration, but they are restricted due to their unclear provenance. Methods In this study, the provenance was analyzed from rock clastic composition, paleocurrent analysis, heavy mineral composition, cathodoluminescence properties and the proportion of sandstone in the strata. [Results and Conclusions] The study area is dominated by the Karameri Mountain provenance during the Lower Jurassic, with limited Northern Tianshan and Bogda Mountains provenance. The Sangonghe Formation was influenced by provenances inherited from both the Kalameri Mountain and the northern Tianshan, enhanced by a superposed branch provenance from the Bogda Mountains. In the study area, which has a south-dipping structural background, it is clear that the provenance changed due to the increasing east-to-west uplift of the Bogda Mountains. This southeasterly Lower Jurassic provenance is the scenario for stratigraphic-lithological traps to develop on the southern slope of the Fukang Depression. This may be greatly significant for future oil and gas exploration.
Key words:
- Fukang Depression /
- Bogda Mountains /
- Lower Jurassic /
- provenance analysis /
- depositional systems
表 1 头屯河剖面、三工河剖面、水西沟剖面及D2井样品碎屑颗粒组成统计表
Table 1. Clastic particles of Lower Jurassic samples from Toutunhe, Sangonghe and Shuixigou sections, and well D2
样品 编号 单晶 石英/% 长石/% 岩屑 总量/% 多晶石英/% 火山岩屑/% 沉积岩屑/% 变质岩屑/% tth-4 20 3 77 6 59 6 6 tth-11 18 8 74 5 49 6 14 tth-12 22 12 76 5 56 7 8 SGH-8 25 13 62 8 41 3 10 SGH-11 23 10 67 6 44 4 13 SGH-12 19 13 68 11 47 3 7 SGH-14 24 6 70 5 48 4 13 SGH-15 23 7 70 6 48 4 12 SGH-16 25 15 60 5 41 4 10 SGH-17 27 20 53 7 33 3 10 SGH-18 26 15 59 5 40 5 9 SXG-1 32 13 58 7 30 3 18 SXG-3 28 7 65 4 43 3 15 SXG-5 30 8 61 2 44 4 11 SXG-6 31 8 61 3 42 4 12 SXG-8 23 12 68 7 45 3 13 SXG-9 22 10 66 4 45 4 13 SXG-14 23 8 66 4 45 4 13 SXG-16 20 14 66 8 46 4 8 SXG-17 15 2 83 5 55 8 15 SXG-18 38 10 52 4 35 6 7 D2-1 26 15 66 10 34 4 18 D2-3 33 16 60 9 31 3 17 D2-6 32 18 65 12 34 3 16 D2-8 32 17 61 9 31 4 17 D2-22 25 16 65 11 33 3 18 D2-23 27 14 73 10 38 8 17 D2-26 31 15 61 11 28 3 19 D2-27 26 18 65 9 37 4 15 D2-28 26 11 65 8 38 3 16 D2-31 17 13 76 10 45 3 18 D2-33 24 14 69 11 36 3 19 D2-35 20 13 73 10 42 4 17 D2-36 16 15 67 10 36 3 18 D2-37 22 12 69 9 36 4 20 D2-39 29 11 57 8 34 3 12 D2-40 21 14 60 8 35 3 14 D2-41 20 17 60 9 32 3 16 表 2 准南侏罗系潜在物源区母岩特征(据文献[13])
Table 2. Characteristics of parent rock in the Jurassic potential provenance area of the Southern Junggar Basin(after reference [13])
物源区 母岩岩性 北天山 中—酸性火山岩、火山碎屑岩、凝灰岩 博格达山(西部) 中—基性火山岩;玄武岩;安山质玄武岩;花岗岩、流纹岩、火山碎屑岩 克拉美丽山 中—酸性喷出岩、火山碎屑岩;蛇绿岩带;斜长角闪岩;玄武岩、辉绿岩、辉长岩 表 3 石英阴极发光特征与源岩类型的关系(据文献[36]修改)
Table 3. Relationship between cathodoluminescence characteristics of quartz and source rock types(modified from reference [36])
类型 发光颜色 温度 源岩类型 Ⅰ 以蓝色、紫色为主 >573 ℃(快速冷却) 火山岩、深成岩、接触变质岩 Ⅱ 以棕褐色为主 >573 ℃(缓慢冷却) 高级变质岩(变质火山岩、变质石英岩) 300 ℃~573 ℃ 低级变质岩(接触变质岩、区域变质岩、回火沉积岩的自生石英) Ⅲ 不发光 <300 ℃ 沉积岩中自生石英 -
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