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郭川 张维圆 付勇 夏鹏

郭川, 张维圆, 付勇, 夏鹏. 黔北地区下奥陶统沉积相与层序特征[J]. 沉积学报, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101
引用本文: 郭川, 张维圆, 付勇, 夏鹏. 黔北地区下奥陶统沉积相与层序特征[J]. 沉积学报, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101
GUO Chuan, ZHANG WeiYuan, FU Yong, XIA Peng. Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Ordovician Successions in Northern Guizhou Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101
Citation: GUO Chuan, ZHANG WeiYuan, FU Yong, XIA Peng. Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Ordovician Successions in Northern Guizhou Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101


doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101

国家自然科学基金项目 42262019

国家自然科学基金项目 92062221

贵州大学培育项目 贵大培育(2019)68号


    郭川,男,1986年出生,博士,副教授,碳酸盐岩沉积学与沉积型矿产,E-mail: 0guochuan0000@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P512.2

Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Ordovician Successions in Northern Guizhou Province


National Natural Science Foundation of China 42262019

National Natural Science Foundation of China 92062221

Talent Project of Guizhou University, No. (2019)68 贵大培育(2019)68号

  • 摘要: 目的 奥陶纪生物大辐射事件(Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event,GOBE)是海洋环境与生物相互作用的结果,通过对该时期碳酸盐台地沉积相和层序的研究可揭示其形成与演化过程及海平面变化历史,并为奥陶纪生物时空分布特征及演化规律的探讨提供沉积背景和等时地层格架。 方法 在野外露头剖面实测和显微镜下观察的基础上,识别了黔北地区瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统(桐梓组和红花园组)的岩相类型,进一步分析了沉积模式和高频米级沉积旋回及沉积层序,最后探讨了沉积演化过程中的控制因素。 结果和结论 (1)瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统发育10种岩相类型,主要形成于碳酸盐缓坡沉积体系,且桐梓组和红花园组沉积时期分别以非骨架碳酸盐颗粒和骨架碳酸盐颗粒为特征;(2)桐梓组和红花园组主要发育非对称性的开阔海沉积旋回;(3)识别出3个半三级层序(Sq1~Sq4),每个三级层序均为II型层序界面(即岩性转换面)所限。其中Sq1~Sq3为完整的三级层序,由海侵体系域(Transgressive Systems Tract,TST)和海退体系域(Regressive Systems Tract,RST)构成,但Sq4仅发育TST;(4)瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统的沉积演化和层序发育主要受不同级次的相对海平面变化和古地理格局的共同控制。其中不同级次相对海平面波动制约着沉积相的垂向演化,古地理格局则控制着沉积相带的空间分布。
  • 图  1  (a)黔北地区大地构造位置图(据文献[23]修改);(b)瓢儿田剖面交通位置图

    Figure  1.  (a) Geological location of northern Guizhou province (modified from reference [23]); (b) the traffic of the Piao'ertian section

    图  2  贵州中下奥陶统综合地层图(据文献[26]修改)

    Figure  2.  Integrated stratigraphy of the Lower⁃Middle Ordovician successions in Guizhou province (modified from reference [26])

    图  3  瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统地层界线特征

    (a) boundary between the Tongzi Formation and the underlying Loushanguan Formation, the standing person (1.75 m) for scale; (b) close⁃up view of the bioclastic limestones in the basal Tongzi Formation, with amounts of pebbles (green arrows), coin (2.05 cm across) for scale; (c) boundary between the Tongzi and Honghuayuan formations, hammer (encircled) for scale (33 cm long); (d) boundary between the Honghuayuan and Meitan Formations, hammer (encircled) for scale (33 cm long)

    Figure  3.  Boundaries of the Lower Ordovician successions in the Piao'ertian section


    图  4  外缓坡至盆地典型岩相(LF1+LF2)特征

    (a) field photo of shale (LF1), Tongzi Formation, standing person (1.75 m) for scale; (b) interbedded LF1 and platy to thin⁃bedded dolomites (LF2), Tongzi Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (c) field photo of LF2 grading upward into medium⁃bedded dolomites (LF6), green dashed lines indicate the boundaries of meter⁃scale depositional cycles, and red arrows denote the meter⁃scale depositional cycles, Tongzi Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (d) photomicrograph of horizontal laminations that consist of dolomite⁃rich layers and lime mud⁃rich ones, Tongzi Formation, plane⁃polarized light (PPL)

    Figure  4.  Lithofacies (LF1+LF2) characteristics of the outer ramp to basin


    图  5  下中缓坡—外缓坡典型岩相(LF3~LF5)特征

    (a) field photo of platy to thin⁃bedded bioclastic limestones, Honghuayuan Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (b) close⁃up view of LF3, showing substantial amounts of trilobites as predominant bioclasts, Honghuayuan Formation, scale in centimeters; (c) photomicrograph of LF3, bioclasts are composed of trilobites and minor brachiopods and intraclasts (yellow arrow), which are arranged in imbricated manner, Honghuayuan Formation, PPL; (d) photomicrograph of LF3, with micro⁃erosional surface, bioclasts are comprised of trilobites (red arrows) and brachiopods (green arrows), non⁃skeletal grains are represented by intraclasts, quartz and ooids, Honghuayuan Formation, PPL; (e) field photo of platy to thin⁃bedded peloidal⁃ooidal limestones (LF4) and LF3 evolving upward into medium⁃bedded bioclastic limestones (LF9), yellow dashed lines indicate the boundaries of meter⁃scale depositional cycles, and red arrows denote the meter⁃scale depositional cycles, Honghuayuan Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (f) photomicrograph of LF4, exhibiting graded bedding of different⁃sized ooid layers and peloidal ones, ooid cores are characterized by intraclasts and bioclasts, Honghuayuan Formation, PPL; (g) photomicrograph of LF4, displaying a pebble that is composed of reworked ooids and intraclasts, Honghuayuan Formation, PPL; (h) photomicrograph of platy to thin⁃bedded intraclastic⁃peloidal limestones (LF5), with normal graded bedding (green dashed line), Honghuayuan Formation, PPL

    Figure  5.  Lithofacies (LF3⁃LF5) characteristics of the lower mid⁃ramp to outer ramp


    图  6  上中缓坡岩相(LF6)特征

    (a) field photo of LF1, grading upward into LF2 and being capped by medium⁃bedded dolomites (LF6), yellow dashed lines indicate the boundaries of meter⁃scale depositional cycles, and red arrows denote the meter⁃scale depositional cycles, Tongzi Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (b) close⁃up view of multiple normal graded bedding (blue arrow lines), showing basal erosional surfaces (yellow dashed lines) on which conglomeratic lags (yellow arrows) are located, Tongzi Formation, scale in centimeter; (c) photomicrograph of LF6, displaying very finely to finely, non⁃planar⁃s(a) dolomites and grain ghosts, Tongzi Formation, PPL; (d) photomicrograph of LF6, with quartz and intraclast⁃rich layers exhibiting faint graded bedding, Tongzi Formation, PPL

    Figure  6.  LF6 characteristics of the upper mid⁃ramp


    图  7  上中缓坡岩相(LF7和LF8)特征

    (a) field photo of LF2, grading upward into LF6 and capped by medium⁃bedded sandstones (LF7), yellow dashed lines indicate the boundaries of meter⁃scale depositional cycles, and red arrows denote the meter⁃scale depositional cycles (inset displaying normal graded bedding), Tongzi Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (b) photomicrograph of LF7, with irregular boundaries between dolomitic intraclasts (yellow arrows) and quartz as a result of pressure dissolution, Tongzi Fomation, PPL; (c) photomicrograph of LF7, different⁃sized quartz layers show graded bedding, with irregular boundaries (blue dashed arrow) between dolomitic intraclasts (yellow arrows) and quartz, Tongzi Formation, scale in centimeter; (d) field photo of LF5 evolving upward into medium⁃ to thick⁃bedded intraclastic or peloidal limestones (LF8), yellow dashed lines indicate the boundaries of meter⁃scale depositional cycles, and red arrows denote the meter⁃scale depositional cycles, Honghuayuan Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (e) photomicrograph of LF8, grains are predominated by intraclasts and sparse brachiopod and crinoid fragments, Honghuayuan Formation, PPL; (f) photomicrograph of LF8, with peloids as dominant grains and a trilobite fragment, Honghuayuan Formation, PPL

    Figure  7.  Characteristics of LF7 and LF8 of the upper mid⁃ramp


    图  8  上中缓坡岩相(LF9和LF10)特征

    (a) field photo of LF3 evolving upward into thick⁃ to massive bedded intraclastic⁃ or peloidal⁃ bioclastic limestones (LF9), yellow dashed lines indicate the boundaries of meter⁃scale depositional cycles, and red arrows denote the meter⁃scale depositional cycles, Honghuayuan Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (b) photomicrograph of LF8, bioclasts are represented by crinoids and sparse brachiopods (blue dashed arrow) and trilobites (yellow arrow), and non⁃skeletal grains are characterized by intraclasts, Honghuayuan Formation, PPL; (c) field photo of LF2 grading upward into thick⁃bedded dolo⁃oolites (LF10) or LF6, yellow dashed lines indicate the boundaries of meter⁃scale depositional cycles, and red arrows denote the meter⁃scale depositional cycles, Tongzi Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (d) close⁃up view of LF10, with ooids as dominant grains, Tongzi Formation, scale in centimeter; (e) photomicrograph of LF10, the internal fabrics of ooids were completely obliterated by dolomitization, and intragrain porosity and intergrain dissolution porosity are filled with calcite cements (as indicated by yellow arrow, stained red by Alizarin⁃Red S), Tongzi Formation, PPL

    Figure  8.  Characteristics of LF9 and LF10 of the upper mid⁃ramp


    图  9  黔北地区瓢儿田剖面早奥陶世沉积模式图

    (a) Tongzi Formation; (b) Honghuayuan Formation

    Figure  9.  Depositional model of the Piao'ertian section in northern Guizhou province during the Early Ordovician


    图  10  黔北地区瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统综合柱状图

    Sh. shale; Lm. lime mudstone; W. wackestone; P. packstone; G. grainstone; S. quartz sandstone; 1. open⁃marine shallow⁃intermediate subtidal facies; 2. open⁃marine intermediate subtidal facies; 3. open⁃marine deep subtidal facies; 4. basin

    Figure  10.  Integrated column of the Lower Ordovician successions of the Piao'ertian section in northern Guizhou province


    图  11  瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统沉积层序关键界面野外特征

    (a) boundary between RST1 and TST2, Tongzi Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (b) boundary between TST2 and RST2, Tongzi Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (c) boundary between RST2 and TST3, Tongzi Formation and Honghuayuan Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (d) boundary between RST3 and TST4, Honghuayuan Formation, hammer for scale (33 cm long)

    Figure  11.  Outcrop characteristics of the critical surfaces within depositional sequences of the Lower Ordovician successions in the Piao'ertian section


    图  12  黔北地区下奥陶统层序格架内地层对比图

    Figure  12.  Stratigraphic correlation within the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Lower Ordovician successions in northern Guizhou province

    图  13  研究区早奥陶世沉积层序与全球其他地区同时期海平面变化对比图

    Figure  13.  Comparison of the Early Ordovician depositional sequences or sea⁃level fluctuation curves between the study area and similar locations worldwide

    图  14  红花园剖面下奥陶统典型沉积特征

    (a) field photo of meter⁃scale depositional cycles that is formed of shale in the lower part and bioclastic limestones in the upper part, Tongzi Formation, Honghuayuan section, hammer for scale (33 cm long); (b) photomicrograph of bioclastic limestones, bioclasts are characterized by trilobites (yellow arrows) and minor crinoids (green dashed arrows) and brachiopods (blue arrows), Tongzi Formation, Honghuayuan section, PPL; (c) field photo of normal graded bedding, the lower lithology is represented by bioclastic limestones with pebble layers, and the upper lithology is characterized by bioclastic limestones, with horizontal laminations, Tongzi Formation, Honghuayuan section, scale in centimeter; (d) close⁃up view of conglomeratic lags, with grains dominated by pebbles and trilobites (yellow arrows), Tongzi Formation, Honghuayuan section, scale in centimeter; (e) field photo of platy to thin⁃bedded rudstone, with large amounts of pebbles (yellow dashed arrows) and small⁃scale hummocky cross bedding, Tongzi Formation, Honghuayuan section, scale in centimeter; (f) field photo of bioclastic limestones, with massive calathium (yellow arrows), Honghuayuan Formation, Honghuayuan section, centimeter scale

    Figure  14.  Representative sedimentary characteristics of the Lower Ordovician successions of the Honghuayuan section


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    doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101

      国家自然科学基金项目 42262019

      国家自然科学基金项目 92062221

      贵州大学培育项目 贵大培育(2019)68号


      郭川,男,1986年出生,博士,副教授,碳酸盐岩沉积学与沉积型矿产,E-mail: 0guochuan0000@163.com

    • 中图分类号: P512.2

    摘要: 目的 奥陶纪生物大辐射事件(Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event,GOBE)是海洋环境与生物相互作用的结果,通过对该时期碳酸盐台地沉积相和层序的研究可揭示其形成与演化过程及海平面变化历史,并为奥陶纪生物时空分布特征及演化规律的探讨提供沉积背景和等时地层格架。 方法 在野外露头剖面实测和显微镜下观察的基础上,识别了黔北地区瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统(桐梓组和红花园组)的岩相类型,进一步分析了沉积模式和高频米级沉积旋回及沉积层序,最后探讨了沉积演化过程中的控制因素。 结果和结论 (1)瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统发育10种岩相类型,主要形成于碳酸盐缓坡沉积体系,且桐梓组和红花园组沉积时期分别以非骨架碳酸盐颗粒和骨架碳酸盐颗粒为特征;(2)桐梓组和红花园组主要发育非对称性的开阔海沉积旋回;(3)识别出3个半三级层序(Sq1~Sq4),每个三级层序均为II型层序界面(即岩性转换面)所限。其中Sq1~Sq3为完整的三级层序,由海侵体系域(Transgressive Systems Tract,TST)和海退体系域(Regressive Systems Tract,RST)构成,但Sq4仅发育TST;(4)瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统的沉积演化和层序发育主要受不同级次的相对海平面变化和古地理格局的共同控制。其中不同级次相对海平面波动制约着沉积相的垂向演化,古地理格局则控制着沉积相带的空间分布。

    English Abstract

    郭川, 张维圆, 付勇, 夏鹏. 黔北地区下奥陶统沉积相与层序特征[J]. 沉积学报, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101
    引用本文: 郭川, 张维圆, 付勇, 夏鹏. 黔北地区下奥陶统沉积相与层序特征[J]. 沉积学报, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101
    GUO Chuan, ZHANG WeiYuan, FU Yong, XIA Peng. Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Ordovician Successions in Northern Guizhou Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101
    Citation: GUO Chuan, ZHANG WeiYuan, FU Yong, XIA Peng. Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Ordovician Successions in Northern Guizhou Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(3): 892-911. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.101
      • 碳酸盐台地是碳酸盐沉积物生成和堆积的主要场所,其形成与演化受控于环境(古地理格局、海平面变化等)与生物的共同作用[12]。奥陶纪生物大辐射事件(Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event,GOBE)是寒武纪以来全球海洋环境与生物协同演化的一次重大革新,当时海相碳酸盐沉积物记录了环境演化的信息[35]。因此,奥陶纪碳酸盐台地沉积相和层序的研究可以揭示碳酸盐沉积物形成和堆积过程中的沉积—构造格局及海平面变化历史[2,6],同时可为生物时空分布特征及演化规律的探讨提供重要的沉积背景和等时地层格架。



      • 扬子板块的北部、西北部、西南部、东南部分别为秦岭大别山造山带、松潘甘孜(或龙门山)造山带、三江造山带、华夏地块所限(图1a)[23],其周围发育一系列的断陷盆地[24]。早古生代,扬子板块经历了加里东幕式造山运动[25],包括晚寒武世—早奥陶世的郁南运动[2627]、中奥陶世末期至晚奥陶世的都匀运动(或太康运动[28][25,27]及志留纪—泥盆纪之交的广西运动[29],它们强烈地影响着扬子板块的沉积过程及构造演化。大地构造位置上,研究区位于上扬子地区(图1a);地理位置上,研究区位于黔北地区(图1b)。本文的研究剖面(瓢儿田剖面)位于习水县东部,参考的报道剖面包括水坝塘剖面和红花园剖面,分别位于正安县西北部和桐梓县南部(图1b)。

        图  1  (a)黔北地区大地构造位置图(据文献[23]修改);(b)瓢儿田剖面交通位置图

        Figure 1.  (a) Geological location of northern Guizhou province (modified from reference [23]); (b) the traffic of the Piao'ertian section


        图  2  贵州中下奥陶统综合地层图(据文献[26]修改)

        Figure 2.  Integrated stratigraphy of the Lower⁃Middle Ordovician successions in Guizhou province (modified from reference [26])

        图  3  瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统地层界线特征

        Figure 3.  Boundaries of the Lower Ordovician successions in the Piao'ertian section

      • 本文单层厚度描述划分标准为纹层状(<0.01 m)、薄板状(0.01~0.03 m)、薄层状(0.03~0.10 m)、中层状(0.10~0.30 m)、厚层状(0.30~1 m)、块状(>1 m)[30]。岩相特征描述中的灰岩分类采用Dunham[31]和Embry et al.[32]的分类方案,即颗粒灰岩(grainstone)、泥粒灰岩(packstone)、粒泥灰岩(wackestone)、灰泥岩(lime mudstone)、灰砾岩(rudstone)。早奥陶世研究区主要为碳酸盐缓坡沉积(见下文),相关的术语系统采用Burchette et al.[33]的缓坡模式,包括内缓坡、中缓坡、外缓坡,其中内缓坡与中缓坡的划分界线为晴天浪基面(fair-weather wave base),中缓坡与外缓坡的划分界线为风暴浪基面(storm wave base)。


      • 该沉积相带发育页岩(LF1)、薄板—薄层白云岩(LF2)、薄板—薄层生屑灰岩(LF3)、薄板—薄层球粒—鲕粒灰岩(LF4)和薄板—薄层内碎屑—球粒灰岩(LF5)5种岩相。

        1) 页岩(LF1)


        图  4  外缓坡至盆地典型岩相(LF1+LF2)特征

        Figure 4.  Lithofacies (LF1+LF2) characteristics of the outer ramp to basin

        2) 薄板—薄层白云岩(LF2)


        3) 薄板—薄层生屑灰岩(LF3)


        图  5  下中缓坡—外缓坡典型岩相(LF3~LF5)特征

        Figure 5.  Lithofacies (LF3⁃LF5) characteristics of the lower mid⁃ramp to outer ramp

        4) 薄板—薄层球粒—鲕粒灰岩(LF4)

        这类岩相的颜色以深灰色为主(图5e);单层以薄板、薄层状为主;显微镜下,岩石结构以泥粒灰岩或颗粒灰岩为主,中等—差分选(图5f,g);颗粒以正常鲕为主,其核心主要为三叶虫、内碎屑,可见少量复鲕、内碎屑、球粒;发育由不同粒径的球粒和鲕粒层构成的互层(图5f);个别鲕粒被缝合线切割,表现出锯齿状或不规则界线;生物化石可见少量三叶虫、零星腕足、双壳、介形虫。此类岩相主要发育于红花园组的底部,常构成高频米级沉积旋回的下部。鲕粒通常被认为形成在强水动力的温暖浅水环境(水体深度<5 m)[22,42],并在高能滩相发生沉积[22,34,4344]。以鲕粒为主的颗粒组分及其颗粒支持结构似乎表明LF4形成于高能滩相,但单层厚度、中等—差的颗粒分选程度、不同颗粒组成的互层及其所处的高频米级沉积旋回部位并不支持这一解释。因此,将LF4的沉积环境解释为下中缓坡,位于风暴浪基面之上。由于瞬时高能风暴流的作用,高能环境形成的鲕粒被搬运至相对深水的下中缓坡,快速堆积便形成了LF4[6]

        5) 薄板—薄层内碎屑—球粒灰岩(LF5)


      • 该沉积相带主要发育中层白云岩(LF6)、中层石英砂岩(LF7)、中—厚层内碎屑或球粒灰岩(LF8)、厚层—块状内碎屑或球粒—生屑灰岩(LF9)和厚层鲕粒白云岩(LF10)5种岩相。

        1) 中层白云岩(LF6)


        图  6  上中缓坡岩相(LF6)特征

        Figure 6.  LF6 characteristics of the upper mid⁃ramp

        2) 中层石英砂岩(LF7)


        图  7  上中缓坡岩相(LF7和LF8)特征

        Figure 7.  Characteristics of LF7 and LF8 of the upper mid⁃ramp

        3) 中—厚层内碎屑或球粒砂屑灰岩(LF8)

        这类岩相的颜色以深灰色、灰色为主(图7d);单层以中层、厚层状为主;显微镜下,岩石结构以泥粒灰岩或颗粒灰岩为主(图7e,f),局部为粒泥灰岩,中等—差分选;颗粒以内碎屑、球粒为主,局部可见大量砾屑,其粒径可达9 cm;生物化石主要为少量三叶虫、海百合、介形虫,零星腕足和Nuia藻。这类岩相主要分布于红花园组,常位于高频米级沉积旋回的上部。单层厚度、颗粒支撑结构及其所处的高频米级沉积旋回部位表明LF8沉积时期水动力较强[48],但不同的颗粒分选程度指示沉积过程中动荡的水动力[6,41]。此外,大量砾屑的局部发育显示LF8的沉积过程偶尔受到了强水动力(如风暴流)的作用[6]。因此,将LF8的沉积环境解释为上中缓坡,位于晴天浪基面之下[40,46,49]

        4) 厚层—块状内碎屑或球粒—生屑灰岩(LF9)


        图  8  上中缓坡岩相(LF9和LF10)特征

        Figure 8.  Characteristics of LF9 and LF10 of the upper mid⁃ramp

        5) 厚层鲕粒白云岩(LF10)


      • 基于前人对奥陶纪扬子板块岩相古地理的研究成果[3,79,1112],早奥陶世黔北地区整体应属于浅水碳酸盐岩台地沉积体系[7,15]。研究区缺乏典型的碳酸盐台地边缘礁滩相和明显的浅水—深水过渡带(即斜坡坡折带)。此外,桐梓组和红花园组的沉积厚度相对稳定,侧向厚度变化较为平缓(见第5部分)。因此,将早奥陶世研究区沉积模式解释为碳酸盐缓坡系统(图9)。

        图  9  黔北地区瓢儿田剖面早奥陶世沉积模式图

        Figure 9.  Depositional model of the Piao'ertian section in northern Guizhou province during the Early Ordovician

        根据沉积特征的差异,可将研究区下奥陶统的沉积过程划分为两个阶段。其中第一沉积阶段(桐梓组沉积时期),以非骨架碳酸盐颗粒(non-skeletal grains)为主的沉积体系(图9a)。该时期,LF2和LF6作为主要的岩相类型,发育于整个桐梓组;LF1发育在桐梓组的下部、中部和顶部;少量LF3和LF9发育在桐梓组的底部和顶部;零星LF7和LF10发育在桐梓组的顶部和上部(图10)。第二沉积阶段(红花园组沉积时期),以骨架碳酸盐颗粒(skeletal grains)为主的沉积体系(图9b)。该时期,主要的岩相(LF3和LF9)发育于整个红花园组;少量LF5和LF8发育于红花园组的中下部;零星LF1和LF4分别发育于红花园组的顶部和底部(图10)。

        图  10  黔北地区瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统综合柱状图

        Figure 10.  Integrated column of the Lower Ordovician successions of the Piao'ertian section in northern Guizhou province

      • 研究区桐梓组和红花园组主要由向上变浅的高频米级沉积旋回组成(图4c、图5e、图6a、图7a,d、图8a,c)。这些沉积旋回表现出明显的非对称性,即由下部相对深水的岩相(厚度占比小)加积至上部相对浅水的岩相(厚度占比大),指示高频(五级或四级)相对海平面快速上升和缓慢下降的过程[40,5253]。此外,早奥陶世瓢儿田剖面主要位于开阔海沉积环境,因此该时期研究剖面以发育开阔海沉积旋回为特征,不发育潮缘旋回[40,49]

        根据构成米级沉积旋回的岩相类型,可将桐梓组和红花园组的米级沉积旋回分别划分为四种类型(T-1~T-4和H-1~H-4;图9)。其中T-1发育在桐梓组(图10),厚度介于1~3 m,其下部由下中缓坡至盆地相岩相(LF1和/或LF2)构成,向上演变为上中缓坡岩相(LF6和LF10)(图4c、图6a、图8c、图9a);T-2分布在桐梓组的上部(图10),厚度约1.5 m,其下部以外缓坡岩相(LF1)为特征,上部则由上中缓坡岩相(LF6)组成,向上进一步转变为LF7(图7a、图9a);T-3发育在桐梓组的底部和顶部(图10),厚度介于1~2 m,其下部和上部分别为下中缓坡至外缓坡岩相(LF1和/或LF3)和上中缓坡岩相(LF9)(图9a);T-4分布在桐梓组的中部(图10),厚度介于0.5~1.0 m,其下部为下中缓坡至盆地相岩相(LF1),向上加积至下中缓坡至外缓坡岩相(LF2)(图9a)。H-1主要发育在红花园组(图10),厚度介于1~5 m,其由下部的下中缓坡至外缓坡岩相(LF3)和上中缓坡岩相(LF9)(图8a、图9b);H-2主要分布在红花园组的底部(图10),厚度介于1.0~1.5 m,由下部的下中缓坡至外缓坡岩相(LF4或LF5)和上部的上中缓坡岩相(LF9)组成(图5e、图9b);H-3主要发育在红花园组的中下部(图10),厚度介于1.0~1.5 m,其下部为下中缓坡至外缓坡岩相(LF5),上部为上中缓坡岩相(LF8)(图7d、图9b);H-4主要分布在红花园组的顶部(图10),厚度介于0.5~1.0 m,其下部为外缓坡带至盆地相岩相(LF1),向上演变为下中缓坡岩相(LF3)(图9b)。

      • 在三级沉积层序分析中,采用Embry et al.[54]的海进—海退(transgressive-regressive)模式。在该层序模式中,一个完整的三级层序由下部的海进体系域(Transgressive Systems Tract,TST)和上部的海退体系域(Regressive Systems Tract,RST)构成,二者之间为最大海泛面(Maximum Flooding Surface,MFS)。在沉积相和高频米级沉积旋回识别的基础上,依据沉积相和高频米级沉积旋回垂向上的叠置特征,将黔北地区瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统桐梓组和红花园组划分为3个半三级层序,每个层序界面均为II型(即过渡性岩性界面)(图10)。

        1) 层序1(Sq1)

        Sq1是桐梓组发育的第一个层序,其厚度为38.5 m(图10)。随着相对海平面的升高,Sq1的海侵体系域(TST1)开始于沉积旋回T-3,其内岩相类型主要为LF3和LF9。随后,向上演变为以沉积旋回T-1为主,其内岩相类型主要为LF2和LF6。由于相对海平面的持续上升,TST1的上部进一步转变为以LF1为主的沉积组合(即“桐梓页岩”[26])(图4a),对应着最大海泛面(MFS1)。之后,相对海平面由上升转为下降,海退体系域(RST1)开始形成。整体来看,RST1内部发育两个级别更低(四级)的沉积层序。它们均由沉积旋回T-1构成,岩相类型以LF2和LF6为主。与TST1相比,RST1的岩相类型缺乏LF1。此外,岩相厚度增大,沉积构造(如正粒序层理、水平层理等)增加(图10)。

        2) 层序2(Sq2)

        Sq2的厚度为48.7 m。当相对海平面由下降转为上升后,TST2的下部仍以沉积旋回T-1为主,岩相类型为L2和LF6,但岩相厚度明显减小(图10图11a)。随后,TST进一步演变为以沉积旋回T-4为主,岩相类型主要为LF1和LF2,标志着相对海平面达到最高,对应着MFS2(图11b)。整体来看,RST2内部发育两个四级层序。其中下部四级层序主要由沉积层序T-1构成,岩相类型为LF2、LF6、LF10;上部四级层序由沉积层序T-1和T-2组成,岩相类型为LF2、LF6、LF7。同时,与RST1类似,除了岩相厚度的增加,沉积构造(如丘状交错层理、正粒序层理等)也明显增多。

        图  11  瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统沉积层序关键界面野外特征

        Figure 11.  Outcrop characteristics of the critical surfaces within depositional sequences of the Lower Ordovician successions in the Piao'ertian section

        3) 层序3(Sq3)

        Sq3的厚度为40.5 m。RST2之后,TST3以沉积旋回T-3为主,岩相类型主要为LF3和LF9,但厚度明显减小,标志着相对海平面由下降转为上升(图10图11c)。随着相对海平面的持续上升,TST顶部转变为以LF1为主的沉积组合,对应着MFS3。RST3则由红花园组的中下部构成,其内发育3个四级层序。下部四级层序由沉积旋回H-1、H-2和H-3构成,岩相类型主要为LF3~LF5和LF8、LF9;其他2个四级层序内的沉积旋回主要为H-1和H-3,岩相类型为LF3、LF5、LF8和LF9。

        4) 层序4(Sq4)

        Sq4仅发育TST或其一部分,其厚度为9.5 m。尽管TST4沉积旋回类型与RST3顶部类似,均以H-1为主,但沉积旋回厚度明显减小(图10图11d),再次指示相对海平面由下降转为上升。整体来说,TST4的中下部由沉积旋回H-1组成,岩相类型为LF3和LF9;上部则由沉积旋回H-4构成,岩相类型为LF1和LF3(图10)。

      • 通过将黔北地区瓢儿田剖面的沉积相和沉积层序与前人研究成果进行对比分析,明确了研究区瓢儿田剖面早奥陶世沉积演化和层序发育过程的主要控制因素。

        1) 相对海平面变化


        图  12  黔北地区下奥陶统层序格架内地层对比图

        Figure 12.  Stratigraphic correlation within the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Lower Ordovician successions in northern Guizhou province


        图  13  研究区早奥陶世沉积层序与全球其他地区同时期海平面变化对比图

        Figure 13.  Comparison of the Early Ordovician depositional sequences or sea⁃level fluctuation curves between the study area and similar locations worldwide

        2) 古地理格局



        图  14  红花园剖面下奥陶统典型沉积特征

        Figure 14.  Representative sedimentary characteristics of the Lower Ordovician successions of the Honghuayuan section

      • (1) 黔北地区瓢儿田剖面碳酸盐缓坡沉积体系内共发育10种岩相类型,主要形成于碳酸盐岩缓坡沉积体系。其中桐梓组沉积时期,黔北地区瓢儿田剖面为一个非骨架碳酸盐颗粒沉积为主的沉积体系;红花园组沉积时期,演变为以骨架碳酸盐颗粒沉积为主的沉积体系。

        (2) 瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统以非对称性的开阔海沉积旋回为主。在高频米级沉积旋回垂向叠置特征分析的基础上,下奥陶统可进一步识别出3个半三级层序(Sq1~Sq4),各个三级层序的层序界面均为II型界面(即岩性转换面)。Sq1~Sq3为完整的三级层序,由TST和RST构成,但Sq4仅发育TST。

        (3) 瓢儿田剖面下奥陶统沉积演化过程和层序发育主要受控于不同级次的相对海平面变化和古地理格局。其中不同级次相对海平面波动则制约着沉积相的垂向演化,古地理格局控制着沉积相带的空间分布。

    参考文献 (67)


