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摘要: 【目的】阿拉伯板块和欧亚大陆碰撞导致了扎格罗斯造山带和前陆盆地的形成。扎格罗斯前陆盆地的持续充填致使海水最终从这一地区退出,实现了由海到陆的转变过程,从而为探讨新特提斯洋的消亡提供约束。【方法】本次工作对伊朗扎格罗斯Lurestan地区和Khuzestan地区的中新统Agha Jari组进行了系统的地层学、沉积学、砂岩岩石学和碎屑锆石U–Pb年代学研究,以揭示碎屑物质充填和海退过程。【结果】Lurestan地区Agha Jari组由中到厚层砂-泥岩互层组成,沉积环境分析其形成于河流环境。碎屑组分显示大量变质岩岩屑,结合170 Ma锆石年龄峰,指示盆地北侧Sanandaj-Sirjan岩浆变质带为其可能物源;Khuzestan地区Agha Jari组主要为底部钙质砂岩,向上逐渐变为厚层砂岩、泥岩组合,沉积于三角洲环境。砂岩碎屑组分主要以沉积岩屑为主,中生代锆石年龄与扎格罗斯褶皱冲断带一致,表明碎屑物源主要为再旋回的扎格罗斯褶皱冲断带中的沉积岩。基于Agha Jari组下伏Gachsaran-Mishan组浅海蒸发岩和碳酸盐岩组成,Agha Jari组记录了扎格罗斯前陆盆地由海向陆的转变过程。生物地层学资料约束残留海消亡的时间为不早于中新世早期,并且存在从西北向东南海退的趋势。【结论】研究认为,阿拉伯-欧亚大陆初始碰撞作用导致扎格罗斯山脉隆起,随着持续隆升的扎格罗斯山脉向前陆盆地提供碎屑物质是导致扎格罗斯残留海关闭的直接原因,并且扎格罗斯残留海从西北向东南退出的古地理格局至少在中新世已经形成。
Miocene sedimentary characteristics and provenance analysis in the Lurestan-Khuzestan region, southern Iran
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Abstract: [Objective] The collision of the Arabian-Eurasian plates led to the formation of Zagros orogenic belt and the related foreland basin. The gradual filling of the Zagros foreland basin resulted in the retreat of the Neo-Tethys Ocean in the Zagros region, which causes the transition from the marine to terrestrial environments. This process provides the possible chance to explore the demise of the Neo-tethys Ocean in the Middle East. [Methods] In this study, we conducted detailed stratigraphy, sedimentology, sandstone petrolography, and detrital zircon U-Pb age on the Miocene sedimentary strata in the Lurestan and Khuzestan regions of the Zagros Mountains of southern Iran, which provides new constraints on the filling of the Zagros foreland basin and the regression process of the Neo-Tethys Ocean in the Zagros area. [Results] The Agha Jari Formation in the Lurestan region is characterized by large-scale, medium-to-thick layered sandstones interbedded with mudstones. Sedimentary environment analysis suggests that it has been formed in a fluvial environment. The sandstone petrography shows a lot of metamorphic clasts. In combination of the detrital zircon U-Pb age peak of Jurassic ~170 Ma, it is constrained the the Agha Jari Formation in the Lurestan region has mainly derived from the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone to the north. The Agha Jari Formation in the Khuzestan area is featured as a large set of thick mudstone beds, thick mudstone interbedded with sandstone, thick sheeted sandstone interbedded with mudstone and sand-mudstone interbedded. The sedimentary environment analysis shows that it has been formed in a transitional deltaic environment. The sandstone modal composition yields the clasts of the sedimentary rocks occurred. The detrital zircon ages show a lot of Mesozoic ages, comparable with the Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt. So it is concluded that they have been mainly recycled from the sedimentary strata in Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt. Based on the underlying Gachsaran-Mishan formations with composing of shallow marine limestone and evaporite, the Agha Jari Formation represents the regional youngest marine sedimentation, recording the transition from the marine to the terrestrial environments. The calcareous nannofossil analysis from the underlying Mishan Formation yield the youngest age of the late Miocene. In consideration of the other biostratigraphic studies, the age of the Agha Jari Formation is constrained by no earlier than the Miocene. Therefore, in according to the sedimentary and biostratigraphic studies on the Agha Jari Formation in the Khuzestan region, the demise of the Neo-tethyan Ocean in the Zagros region has been constrained by no earlier than the Miocene and been shown the trend from the northwest to the southeast. [Conclusions] Combined with the analysis of regional paleogeography and provenance analysis on the Miocene strata in the Zagros orogenic belt, the gradual uplift of the Zagros orogenic belt has occurred after the Arabia-Eurasia collision. The uplifted Zagros orogenic belt has been eroded so as to provide the clastic materials for the Zagros foreland basin. As a result, the regression of the Neo-Tethys Ocean in the Zagros area is generally controlled by the continual filling in the foreland basin. This paleogeography of northwest-southeast regression of the Neo-tethyan Ocean has been existed no later than the early Miocene.