Combination of morphological characteristics of pyrite and their paleoenvironmental significance in black shale: A case study from the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation of well W207 in the Sichuan Basin
摘要: 【目的】近期,四川盆地下寒武统筇竹寺组页岩气勘探取得重大突破,引发了对其氧化还原状态和有机质富集机理的广泛关注。前人研究表明草莓状黄铁矿粒径分布规律可有效指示水体的氧化还原状态,但对于黄铁矿形态特征组合与氧化还原状态的对应关系研究仍显薄弱。【方法】鉴于此,以四川盆地W207井筇竹寺组黑色页岩为研究对象,详细分析其草莓状黄铁矿粒径分布规律,结合本文及前人研究的地球化学指标,恢复其沉积期氧化还原环境,探讨黄铁矿形态特征组合与氧化还原状态的关系。【结果】结果表明:筇竹寺组沉积期氧化还原环境自下而上可分为3个阶段,分别为强烈缺氧硫化、间歇性缺氧硫化和次氧化的环境;黄铁矿形态类型以草莓状黄铁矿为主,其平均粒径总体较小;黄铁矿与TOC、TS含量均具有较好的正相关性。沉积型黄铁矿形态特征组合受氧化还原状态的影响显著,随着环境逐渐氧化,黄铁矿含量降低,草莓状黄铁矿数量减少且其微晶从球体、八面体过渡到以立方体为主,自形晶黄铁矿数量增多且形态变差,黄铁矿微晶聚合体增多。【结论】综合以上结果,寒武纪早期华南内陆架地区逐渐氧化,不同氧化还原条件下沉积型黄铁矿表现出具有规律的形态特征组合,可作为判别氧化还原条件的辅助指标。Abstract: [Objective] Recently, the shale gas exploration of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in the Sichuan Basin marked a significant breakthrough, which has aroused widespread attention towards the redox conditions and the organic matter enrichment mechanisms of the Qiongzhusi Formation during its sedimentary period. Redox conditions of water column play a pivotal role in controlling the enrichment of organic matter. The particle sizes and distribution of framboidal pyrites serve as powerful redox indicators. These proxies, when combined with relevant geochemical data, enable the reconstruction of the ancient oceanic redox environment. Furthermore, the assemblage of pyrite morphological characteristics may correspond to changes in redox conditions. However, a detailed comparison between the pyrite morphological characteristics and redox conditions revealed by other geochemical markers remains limited. [Methods] This study focuses on the black shale of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation from well W207 in the Sichuan Basin. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the particle sizes and distribution patterns of the framboidal pyrites. Using this method, in combination with total organic carbon (TOC), total sulfur (TS), pyrite content and previously published iron speciation data, we aimed to reconstruct the paleo-marine redox environment of the Qiongzhusi Formation during its sedimentary period. On this basis, the relationship between the assemblage of pyrite morphological characteristics and redox condition changes is discussed. [Results and Discussions] The redox environmental evolution of the Qiongzhusi Formation can be divided into three stages, i.e., strongly euxinic, intermittently euxinic and dysoxic from the bottom to the top. The morphology of pyrite is abundant, mainly framboidal pyrites, accompanied by a few pyrite microcrystals and euhedral pyrites. The framboidal pyrites are generally small in size, ranging from 2.2 to 18.4 μm with an average value of 6.39 ± 1.7 μm. More than 80% of the particle sizes are in the range of 3 – 8 μm, reflecting that framboidal pyrites were mainly formed in the water bodies of the synsedimentary period. In addition, a robust positive correlation between pyrite content and TOC and TS contents was observed. Pyrite morphology varies in different redox conditions. Specifically, in euxinic environment, the pyrite content is notably high, mainly contributed by abundant framboidal pyrites. In this setting, spherulitic microcrystals are dominant, while pyrite microcrystals and well-defined euhedral pyrites with clear edges are rare. As the redox environment gradually shifted to a more oxidized state, there was a decline in both the pyrite content and the quantity of framboidal pyrites. Concurrently, the microcrystals of the framboidal pyrites evolved from octahedral to cubic forms. At this stage, the pyrite microcrystals and euhedral pyrites both increase in quantity, with the former often exhibiting aggregates and the latter featuring irregular edges. [Conclusions] In conclusion, the observed changes in redox conditions during the sedimentation of the Qiongzhusi Formation reflect a gradual oxidation process in the inner shelf areas of South China. This aligns with the rise in atmospheric oxygen level during the early Cambrian. Notably, sedimentary pyrite displays distinct variations in the distribution of particle sizes and the assemblage of pyrite morphological characteristics as a function of redox conditions. These differences can serve as valuable supplementary indicators for assessing redox conditions in subsequent studies.

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