Petrological and Mineralogical Characteristics of Barite Nodules in the Lower part of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Yichang, Hubei Province
摘要: 【目的】埃迪卡拉纪早期的海洋环境状态一直是研究热点。本文通过分析陡山沱组下部重晶石结核的形成过程,来恢复雪球地球事件结束后古海洋环境的氧化还原界面变化情况。【方法】通过沉积学、岩石矿物学分析,详细分析扬子板块北部金瓜墩剖面陡山沱组下部重晶石结核的形成过程,以此来推断其沉积环境。【结果】围岩层理围绕结核展布,显示结核形成于早期埋藏阶段。结核主要由重晶石、石英和黄铁矿组成,矿物分布具分层性,核部以黄铁矿为主,核部外围则以重晶石为主。大部分重晶石结核核心部位发育自形/半自形黄铁矿聚合体和石英矿物;核心向外缘方向发育放射状交织生长的重晶石与石英矿物聚合体。研究认为重晶石结核矿物分布的不均一性反映了结核形成时环境条件的变化:结核核部的黄铁矿、石英形成于硫酸盐还原带;之后结核生长位置过渡到硫酸盐-甲烷过渡带,产甲烷带有机质分解过程释放的钡离子向上迁移,在硫酸盐-甲烷过渡带上部与硫酸根离子反应生成重晶石沉积。【结论】重晶石结核的形成具有阶段性。随着硫酸根浓度的升高,埃迪卡拉纪早期海洋中硫酸盐还原界面可能已经下降到水-沉积物界面附近的沉积物中,部分甲烷在硫酸盐-甲烷过渡带被氧化,从而减少了它们向大气中的排放。Abstract: [Objective] The redox states of the early Ediacaran ocean has always been a research hotspot. The formation process of sedimentary barite nodules is studied to explore the redox variation of the Ediacaran ocean immediately after the Snowball Earth event. [Methods] Analysis on sedimentary environments of barite nodules from calcareous mudstone of the lower Doushantuo Formation in Jinguadun section were developed via sedimentologic and petromineralogical methods. [Result and Discussion] Sedimentary beddings of the surrounding rocks are curved around the barite nodules, indicating that these nodules are probably classified to diagenetic nodules and formed in sedimentary soft muds during the early diagenetic stage. The barite, quartz and pyrite are the three top authigenic sedimentary minerals in the nodules. The mineral distribution is stratified in the barite nodules. Specially, the inner layer contains dense pyrite aggregates dominated by euhedral to subhedral pyrite grains and quartz minerals that grow interwoven together. From the core to the outer edge developed radial aggregates by barite and quartz. This study preliminarily demonstrates that the formation of authigenic sedimentary minerals occurring in different parts of the barite nodules probably precipitate in different redox zones. That is to say, the pyrite and quartz minerals in the inner nodule are formed in the sulfate reduction zone, then the formation location of nodules gradually transits from sulfate reduction zone to sulfate-methane transition zone. The Ba2+ sources in the barite probably originate from the methanogenic zone, where dissolution of labile and biogenic barite associated with organic matter occurs. The upward spreading Ba2+ ions react with downward diffusing seawater sulfate radicals and deposit barium sulfate in the upper front of sulfate-methane transition zone. [Conclusion] The formation process of the barite nodules is staged. Observation on barite nodules indicates that the depth of oceanic sulfate reduction chemocline has descende into the loose sediments beneath the interface of sediment and water body after the Snowball Event at about 600 Ma, due to the increase levels of the continental sulfate input at that time. Methane was partly oxidized in sulfate-methane transition zone, thus reducing the atmospheric emission of marine methane.
Key words:
- Yangtze block /
- Ediacaran /
- Doushantuo Formation /
- barite nodules

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