Stratigraphic Division between Xujiahe Formation and Zhenzhuchong Member in the NE Part of Central Sichuan Basin
〖HT5”H〗摘 要〖HTSS〗 通过地震反射终端研究,认为上三叠统须家河组(J2x)与下侏罗统(J1z)的分界面为一层序界面(T3x被界面截削,J1z沿界面上超);因此可依据LUNA法则予以确定。LUNA认为,层序边界不整合可依据可容空间生成速率突变的岩层几何形态来识别,表现在古河道规模和河道砂岩的叠置方式,而拼合砂岩体底面乃是层序界面(SB)之所在,在录井图上,表现为Gr、Rt曲线的转折点——由下伏层序的反韵律向上突变为上复层序的正韵律。此面与底部砾岩底面是一致的。通过测制华蓥山西缘界线上下短剖面以及取芯井岩芯描述,发现J1z与T3x在古生物—生态及沉积方面存在明显差异——反映地质演变的不可逆性。古生物:主要为植物化石,T3x6黑页岩中植物化石十分丰富且保存完好,粗砂岩中常见茎杆印模;J1z化石罕见,可见炭化植物细碎屑或他生的煤“砾”。沉积与成岩特征:除菱铁矿结核分布于界面上下数米深度范围内,在J1z底、T3x6顶皆可见到外,其他特征都是大不相同的。剖面结构——T3x6中下部为大套灰白色中(粗)—细砂岩,厚数米至几十米,上部为浅灰、灰黄细砂—粉砂岩与黑页岩交互;J1z下部为浅灰、灰绿薄层粉砂岩与红色、杂色泥岩交互,上部泥岩变为灰色,砂岩亦变厚。成分——J1z下部粉砂岩石英含量高于T3x6砂岩,而燧石和变质岩屑显著低于后者。结构成熟度——J1z粉砂岩分选程度显著低于T3x6砂岩,J1z中的薄层浊积是T3x中见不到的。沉积构造——T3x中常见双粘土层、鱼骨状交错层、突然相变、透镜状和脉状层理、薄互层,是J1z中所没有的。硅质中砾岩——J1z底部砾岩为可靠分界标志,与T3x6底部者不难区分;风暴流砾石和牛角炭只见于T3x6;植物根系在J1z中常见,T3x中偶见。这些差异源于沉积环境的不同,T3x属浅海河口湾潮汐成因,J1z为陆相湖泊三角洲系统。它们在测井响应上也各有特点,不难区别。本文证明,在钻进过程中,依据岩屑信息,迅速判断钻达层位是可以做到的。-
- 川中东北部 /
- 三叠系—侏罗系分界 /
- LUNA法则 /
- 用岩屑确定钻达层位
Abstract: Studies of the corresponding seismic data revealed the division plane is a sequence boundary (SB) (T3x truncated by the boundary and along which J1z onlaps). So it can be dertermined by LUNA principle. LUNA regards sequence boundary unconformity as can be recognized by strata geometry of abrupt change of accomodation generation rate which is marked by the paleochannel scale and the superimposition of channel sandstones, and base of the almagmated sandstone body is just the situ of the sequence boundary. In welllog, SB is presented by break point of Gr and Rt curvesthe reverse rhythm of the underlain sequence turns into positive rhythm of the overlying sequence upwards at the point. This plane coincides well with the base of basal conglomerate. Measuring the transboundary short columns along the west edge of Huayingshan and coresection studies have revealed that apparent differences of paleontologypaleoecology and sedimentology exist in between T3x and J1z successions, which reflect the inreversibility of geological evolution. Paleontology: mostly fossil plants, plants are plentiful and wellpreserved in T3x6 black shale, and plant stems are considerably common in coarse sandstone of the same member. Fossils are rare in J1z, however, allochthonous small carbonized plant debris or occasionally coal "pebbles" are seen. Sedimentary and diagenetic feafures: most aspects are quite different beween T3x6 and J1z, except that siderite concretions occur in the interval from below to above the boundary by several meters. Lithologythe lowermiddle part of T3x6 is represented by thick graywhite median (coarse)fine sandstone with single bed thickness of several to decades meters, the upper part by interbeds of light gray, yellowish gray fine sandstone to siltstone and black shales; however J1z is characterized by intercalations of light gray, grayishgreen thin siltstone and red, stained mudstome at its lower part, the mudstone are grading into gray colour and sandstone are getting thicker at its upper part. Composition——the guartz content in lower J1z is higher than the sandstones of T3x6, but its chert and metamorphic rock debris are apparently lower than the later; Texture maturity——J1z siltstone is much worsesorted than the T3xv6 sandstone, the thin turbidites in J1z are not seen in T3x successions. Sedimentary sturcturesbiclaylayers, herringbone structure, abrupt facies change, lenticular and flaser bedding and thin interbedds are common in T3x but not seen in J1z. Siliceous cobblethe J1z basal cobble is a reliable boundary marker which is easily differentiated from the basal ones of T3x6; the storminduced conglomerate and "oxhorn coal" occur only in T3x; rootlets are common seen in J1zv and occassionaly presented in T3x. Sedimenfary facies: the abovemention differences between T3x and J1z are thought to be derived from original sedimentary environments, the authors attribute T3x to shallow sea and estuarine origin and J1z to lacustrine delta system. The two successions are also different from each other in welllogging responses and can be easily discerned. This paper proved that to judge the reached stratigraphic level during welldrilling swiftly on the basis of cutting information can be achieved. -

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