Sedimentary Sequence of the T一R Cycle and A Studied Exampl a in the Continental Faul t Lacustrine Basin
摘要: 陆相断陷湖盆的沉降机理、湖盆形态等均有别于其它类型的沉积盆地,因此,沉积层序的内部构成及层序边界发育特征也不同。在这种湖盆中,不适合于直接套用“Vail学派”的被动大陆边缘型盆地的层序地层学模式,但其基本原理仍可应用。以东濮断陷盆地为例,分析了盆内构造-沉积旋回之内的湖进-湖退(T-R)旋回沉积层序,这种层序由湖进体系域(LTS)与湖退体系域(LRST)组成。LRST中发育有各种不同类型的储集砂体。由于断陷湖盆的边缘坡度陡峭,以及湖平面升降幅度有限,因此,叠加于构造-沉积族目之上的更高频T-R旋回层序缺乏I型层序边界,控制T-R旋回发育的主要因素是区内构造(断层)的幕式活动,而更高频的T-R旋回的形成则与米兰柯维奇气候旋回相关联。Abstract: The subsiding mechanism,basin shape and other features of the continental fault lacustrine basin are dif-ferent from those of other sedimentary basins,which results in the difference of the interior constitution ofsedimentary sequence and the feature of sequence boundary. The sequence stratigraphy model from the pas-sive continental-margin cannot be directly applied to the basin,althouth the basic principle of sequence stratig-raphy is still applicable.This paper analysed the sedimentary sequence of the lacustrine transgressive and la-custrine regressive cycle (T-R cycle)from the lacustrine basin of Dongpu,and showed that the sequence iscomposed of the lower lacustrine trangressive system trace (LTST) and upper lacustrine regressive systemtrace(LRST). The reservoir sandbodies of various genetic types were well developed in LTST. The high fre-quency T-R cyclical sequences superimposing on the tectonic sedimentary cycle lacked the Type I sequenceboundary because of the steep margin of the fault basin and the little change of lake level Main factors control-ling the development of the T-R cycle are the episodic movement of structure(fault)and the higher frequenceT-R cycle is related to Milankovitch climate cycle.
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